Crypto chitchat (1): Prelude

2 min readSep 12, 2021


Many people still only have a very vague idea when hearing the word ‘crypto’ or ‘cryptocurrency’. It feels like it is secretive and involves essenceless computer codes that people randomly assign value to them. People are so speculative and full of hope that even more speculative people would want to have them, therefore pushing up the value/price of crypto to an enormous height. It’s nothing different from senseless gambling out of nothing. It won’t end well, because everything is built on a pile of sand. It’s just a gigantic bubble waiting to burst.

This perception and argument certainly offers the easiest explanation, and is the most logically sound. After all, crypto’s infrastructure as a whole is pretty much separated from our physical world, and we cannot deny the fact that the link is at best extremely weak between crypto and the real world as we know it.

A screenshot from as at 12 September 2021

However, if you go to, you will find a fascinating display of a myriad of cryptocurrencies, all with fancy names and icons, and colossal market capitalisations. And you hear in the news that these or those cryto projects are receiving this and that much of funding, then perhaps realise that these are all super-talented people from all over the world working together, and you start to wonder, if crypto is indeed all that empty and meaningless, why these smart people are dedicated working on it, and what on earth are they doing?

Well, there must be a huge gap between the general public’s perception, and what the true side of cryptos is. Personally, I believe crypto is one of the most exciting, creative and revolutionary thing human beings have ever invented. It came to this world in a rather stealthy way, and since then, it has never stopped innovating itself, and has grown into a formidable yet extremely useful and fun beast. In this blog, I will try to write about the many aspects of the crypto world, for the benefit of an average beginner. I am very much convinced that crypto will be part of everybody’s life in the future, so it’s always not a bad idea to get some understanding about it.

